Outdoor Interests

Alpinism/Mountaineering (including Rock and Ice Climbing)

Alpinism/Mountaineering is the the combination of hiking, backpacking, camping, and sometimes rock climbing and ice climbing.

I am a long-time member of the Explorers Club of Pittsburgh and explore frequently with with many of those fine folks. Enjoy videos: ECP 2023, ECP 2024 πŸ†•and Mountaineering School (2012).

Mountain Biking


I certified in 2001, Advanced Open Water certification in 2007, and subsequently Nitrox and Advanced Wreck Diving certifications. Diving locations:


Started in my young teens. Eastern US, SW PA skiing only until the first trip to the West in 1997.Β  Locations I've skied:Β 

Boating (Rafting, Sailing, Kayaking, Canoeing, SUP)

Started rafting in my young teens with a trip down the lower Youghiogheny, PA with my uncle, then took my first run down the New River Gorge during college years. I've piloted large rafts (oar rigs and paddle), R2s, shredders, duckies, packrats, canoes, and flatwater kayaks. I'm an ASA certified sailor. Rivers (lakes not included) I've rafted or canoed/kayaked:

In the Air

The Rest