Climbing Resume


In 1995 in the middle of the largest National Park in the United States, Wrangell St. Elias, a former Everest climber, now guide in the small town of McCarthy, Alaska, takes me onto a glacier to introduce me to ice climbing. This is my first-time wearing crampons, carrying an ice ax, and tramping onto an entirely new kind of path in the great mountains of the world. Throughout that entire day, my eyes, ears, and mind open wider and I take on a whole new perspective as to what is possible. My many years before in travels to great National Parks and top roping at a local crag were great explorations, but this probably marked the beginning of the personal upswing and trend to higher adventure.

In 1996 and 1997 I was able to find a spark in a couple of local peers to help me explore lead and multi-pitch rock and ice climbing. Though the climbing was less frequent than I wished, this period culminated on a successful summit of Mt. Rainier in the spring of 1998 โ€“ providing another inspirational leap. The fire smoldered from 1999 through 2000 as early independent life and career trumped all outdoor activity. Once transplanted into the city of Pittsburgh, and surrounded by groups of enthusiasts, I began with a renewed dedication in 2001. It has been full steam ahead and no looking back since then.

Intentions and Objectives

The vertical world is what thrills me, the steeper, the better. Fortunately, this planet of ours is full of vertical adventure โ€“ or unfortunately since there is too much for a human lifetime. Now entering mid-life, my sense of passing time nags daily and my sights are set on too many objectives to form a cohesive plan. My engine is constantly at a high throttle, and each new goal obtained leads to double as many more. I grab everything I can get. Iโ€™m growing more confident of my abilities to accomplish what are commonly considered aggressive or lofty goals. This is due to both personal accomplishments and a strong set of peers I now have.

When climbing I enjoy more traditional methods and techniques yet employ all the most modern gear that is available. I enjoy a strong sense of ethics on all my climbs, striving to do climbs with style knowing I can never lie to myself. Single pitch, top roping and sport climbing are enjoyable but just training grounds to me. I feel the drive to accomplish great climbs, ones that only one in a hundred climbers will do. My religion is simple โ€“ life itself. It is a race against time, a limited time to accomplish and stave off regret. A probable side effect is the legacy that may be left โ€“ one that hopefully inspires the next generation. Or at least results in some pretty damn amazing pictures.

Mountains, Peaks, Spires, and Towers


Peru 2023

Ama Dablam

Nepal 2016


Switzerland/Italy 2017

Did Not Summit

Notable Routes

Ice Climbing

Rock Climbing

My profile and detailed logs are a mixed bag recorded throughout the decades on: The Crag and Mountain Project. List locations where I have climbed:

United States


Recreational Leadership